A Rant About Leggings

My friends are….


On our break today in between classes, we left school and headed to subway to grab something to eat. On the way there, my friend Amanda started a conversation about leggings and what she thinks is appropriate and inappropriate.

Luckily, I had my camera, and I videotaped most of it

I think I’m gonna bring my camera to school more often. 😀

What’s something that you had a “rant” about lately?

About Lisa

My name is Lisa and I am a junior in college majoring in Communication Disorders. I plan to go to graduate school for SLP. I am 20 years old and trying my best to live a fun, healthy and active lifestyle. I love to workout and I've recently found a new love for running and I will be in my first race this May. I've just started blogging, so bare with me as I try to get better at it! I enjoy blogging a lot and I love reading other people's blogs and learning about them and their lifestyle. That's about it for now, thanks for reading :-)
This entry was posted in Leggings, Rant, Typical Girl, Uncategorized, Youtube, Youtube Video. Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to A Rant About Leggings

  1. rebecca says:

    well done lisa, well done.

  2. Kaila @healthyhelperblog! says:

    HILARIOUS! I want to be friends with your friends LOL! Okaaay, that was a lil’ creepy Haha!

  3. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, amaaaaaaaaaaaazing girl ❤

    Oh I love your blog 🙂

    I really haven't ranted about anything lately except for awful drivers! And all these people calling myself with the wrong number :s

    Ok I guess I have been ranting…… haha

  4. Haha your friends are hilarious 🙂 My sister in law records us doing crazy things all the time!!!!!!!!

    I feel like we have the same friends, aka we could be friends in real life 🙂

  5. You alright, girl? Come back!

  6. Jamie Walker says:

    That’s hilarious…videos are always a great way to infuse a little humor into your blog. 😉 Love the leggings rant!
