Happy Halloween!

Hey Homiesss!

Sorry I’ve been wicked MIA for a while. How have you all been? Any good deets I need to know about?

There’s a ton of reasons why I’ve been so MIA lately and it’s because I had a shitload of midterms to study for and basically school is kicking my butt right now! And I recently just started a new job so all of my time has been consumed with work, school, and exercise!

By the way, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Did you do anything fun and exciting? I had to work, but I didn’t really mind it. The only thing I was sad about is that I didn’t get to witness this pretty little girl J

My niece Lexi’s first Halloween!

And when I got home from work, my mom was nice enough to have some candy for me and she of course made sure she had my favorite! REESE’S. Duh.



I mean my blog is chocolate peanut butter cups. 😀


Did you do anything fun for Halloween?

What’s your favorite Halloween candy? I used to trade every candy I had in order to get reese’s from my brothers and cousins. I’m such a gem.

About Lisa

My name is Lisa and I am a junior in college majoring in Communication Disorders. I plan to go to graduate school for SLP. I am 20 years old and trying my best to live a fun, healthy and active lifestyle. I love to workout and I've recently found a new love for running and I will be in my first race this May. I've just started blogging, so bare with me as I try to get better at it! I enjoy blogging a lot and I love reading other people's blogs and learning about them and their lifestyle. That's about it for now, thanks for reading :-)
This entry was posted in chocolate peanut butter cups, Halloween, Reese's. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Happy Halloween!

  1. rebecca says:

    hi lisa! long time reader, first time commenter! wow your niece is adorable, im sorry you had to miss seeing her in action! i too had work 😦 miss those days of youth! my favourite halloween candy i the almond joy! but sometimes i enjoy a good twizzler.

  2. Alexandra says:

    Your niece is so cute!! My favorite halloween candy is either almond joy, reese’s, or rolos! MMM Yay for sugar rushes haha 😀

  3. leashieloo says:

    Your niece is so cute! My favorite Halloween candy is Twix and Twizzlers.

  4. Lexi is adorable! It was my niece’s first Halloween as well; she’s only a month old today, but she was dressed up as Hello Kitty. 🙂 Where are you working now? Congrats on the new job!

  5. Your niece is super cute 🙂

    Halloween was busy and fun!
